

Neither a calla nor a lily, the calla lily—which grows 24 to 36 inches tall—is part of the Jack-in-the-pulpit family. Its trumpet-shape flowers and arrowhead-shape leaves rise directly from rhizomes—no stems needed. This plant helps stretch out the color show in your backyard. When early summer perennials begin to fade, these plants stand ready to […]

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Daylilies are some of the easiest perennials to grow, filling almost any space in the garden with a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. The flowers last only one day for most plants (hence the name), you may want to grow lots of different varieties for a long-term display of color. Or look for reblooming

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Impatiens provide loads of color with little effort in shady places in the garden. Most commonly, impatiens come in softer pastel shades, but some species come in warm colors like yellow, coral, and orange as well. Some varieties also offer double flowers that look almost like mini roses. With their quick growth habit, impatiens are



Ivy geraniums are another popular variety of  geranium. These plants have more of a trailing habit with segmented leaves like ivy. Overall, blooms of the geranium ivy are very similar to the zonal geranium. They have smaller bloom clusters flowers and are perfect for hanging baskets.  



Angelonia is know as the summer snapdragon. It is a spectacular addition for continuous color in any garden. Angelonia stands up against summer’s heat and humidity. It is a hearty and colorful addition to any sunny spot.


RUELLIA ‘Mexican Petunia’

Thanks to their pretty blooms and easy culture, ruellias have made their way into lots of flower beds. Though most common in Texas, they’re quickly making inroads into the rest of the South, especially among gardeners who want lots of bloom with little fuss. The flowers resemble small, thin-textured petunias. These plants resist damage by

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ORIENTAL LILY ‘Asiatic Lily’

Oriental lilies are the classic “late bloomer.” These stunning flowering bulbs bloom after Asiatic lilies, continuing the lily parade in the landscape well into the season. Growing oriental lily plants is fairly easy provided you have a well prepared site for bulbs, plenty of sun and good drainage. Some of the most magnificent flowers in

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Digitalis plants are a classic of the cottage garden. Flowers range in colors from creamy yellow, pink, rose to maroon. The tall flower spikes with charming tubular flowers of Foxglove add both height and vertical accent to your garden without staking. Perennial Digitalis blooms attract hummingbirds and bees and an added bonus, the deer do



Achillea is a classic garden perennial known for its beautiful blooms.  This is the perfect plant for low maintenance gardens that needs lots of colorful blooms! Plant this in full sun and enjoy it all season long. With its tall stems of colorful flowers and fern-like foliage, it works especially well in a cottage garden

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Caladiums combine colorful arrowhead-shape leaves with easy growing requirements to star in containers and shade gardens from early summer until frost. Plant them in part shade or where they will receive filtered sun; bright sun can scorch their leaves. Pair caladiums with ferns, hostas, and other shade perennials in the landscape. They thrive in containers

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