

Creeping fig is an eager climber and can withstand aggressive trimming much more than finicky varietals like English ivy. It’s best planted in fall and will grow slowly at first, picking up pace as it matures. It can eventually reach lengths of up to 15 feet in length.



Bidens typically have blooms in yellow or orange, but newer varieties include pink, gold, and white blossoms. In warmer climates where winter temperatures stay above 40 degrees Fahrenheit, Bidens are a perennial plant. Though they lose their blooms in late fall and winter, the beautiful foliage of this plant stays green all year long. In

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Used often as a groundcover or an edging plant, liriope is popular for good reason. It stays green year-round in many climates, produces pretty blue or white flowers, and is about as tough a plant as you’ll hope to meet. Its dense tufts of almost-evergreen, broadly grassy leaves are often striped. Stiff stems bear tight

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Bold color foliage provides color for this trailing vine. An excellent foliage contrast in containers, baskets, window boxes or garden beds. Produces small, flowers in warm tropical conditions, but is mainly sold as a foliage plant for accent.

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The dianthus plant is the quintessential cottage flower. Dianthus is treasured for its grasslike, blue-green foliage and abundant starry flowers, which are often spicily fragrant. Dianthus plants range from tiny creeping groundcovers to 30-inch-tall cut flowers, which are a favorite with florists. Plants are often pink in color, and the petals have a fringed look

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Lobularia is a wonderful cool-season annual that has been a long-time favorite because of its dainty blossoms on tidy mounds of foliage. These plants make excellent landscape edging plants in the garden and even in containers. Plant them in masses to create an abundance of its light honey fragrance. Lobularia also will draw all sorts



Impatiens provide loads of color with little effort in shady places in the garden. Most commonly, impatiens come in softer pastel shades, but some species come in warm colors like yellow, coral, and orange as well. Some varieties also offer double flowers that look almost like mini roses. With their quick growth habit, impatiens are



The vinca vine is an evergreen vine with a slender trailing stem, that usually does not exceed a height of 8 to 30 inches. However, it is a fast growing plant that can spread quite rapidly over the ground in a short period of time. This is the reason why it is enlisted as an

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Ajuga has a deep colored foliage that makes a beautiful groundcover. The foliage is generally crinkled and very glossy as well. However, if you think this is just a foliage plant, you would get quite the surprise as spring eases into summer. Then, ajuga is covered in little spikes of bright blue, purple, pink or

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A truly versatile perennial grass, bluenote grass has an eye-catching blue hue that lasts all year. With its clump-forming habit, bluenote grass forms uniform balls of foliage topped with feathery straw bloom stalks in the summer. It can be used as an accent plant, in mass plantings, containers, and crevices. Bluenote grass is also very


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