Mostly Sunny


Clematis is one of the showiest vines you can grow. With many types of shapes and colors, these plants dress up any kind of structure they climb. Bloom time ranges from late spring to fall, depending on the type and variety. With proper planning, it’s possible to have clematis blooms throughout the growing season. You […]

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Campanula are such easy-to-grow plants and are perfect for a low-maintenance cottage garden. The blossoms are generally composed of five petals fused at the base, creating the trademark bell shape. Depending on the variety, sometimes these bells face upward on little mats of foliage, or they may dangle in the breeze, suspended in pendulous clusters.



Easy, always fresh, and always eye-catching, Leucanthemum is a longtime favorite. All cultivars produce white daisy flowers in various degrees of doubleness and size. The sturdy stems and long vase life make the flowers unbeatable for cutting. Leucanthemum thrives in well-drained, not overly rich soil. Taller sorts may need staking.



Juncus grass is a great annual for any combo or landscape. Juncus grass can be planted in any landscape to create a nice textured look. Plant this with any other spring, summer or fall annuals to have a nice fresh look during the growing season.

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Daylilies are some of the easiest perennials to grow, filling almost any space in the garden with a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. The flowers last only one day for most plants (hence the name), you may want to grow lots of different varieties for a long-term display of color. Or look for reblooming

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Lobularia is a wonderful cool-season annual that has been a long-time favorite because of its dainty blossoms on tidy mounds of foliage. These plants make excellent landscape edging plants in the garden and even in containers. Plant them in masses to create an abundance of its light honey fragrance. Lobularia also will draw all sorts



A great long-lasting color plant, Crossandra can bloom almost nonstop all year long in the right conditions. In tropical climates, these heat- and humidity-loving plants put on quite the show with their spikes of bright orange, yellow, salmon, or pink blooms. They can also make wonderful houseplants with their glossy, deep green foliage that looks



The vinca vine is an evergreen vine with a slender trailing stem, that usually does not exceed a height of 8 to 30 inches. However, it is a fast growing plant that can spread quite rapidly over the ground in a short period of time. This is the reason why it is enlisted as an

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AGAPANTHUS ‘Lily of the Nile’

These wonderful plants are blooming machines, which you can think of as essentially the tropical equivalent of the daylily.  Agapanthus is a low-maintenance perennial that produces colorful clusters of blue or white trumpet-shape flowers in summer and fall. Agapanthus has strappy, green leaves add texture to beds, borders, and containers, too.

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A truly versatile perennial grass, bluenote grass has an eye-catching blue hue that lasts all year. With its clump-forming habit, bluenote grass forms uniform balls of foliage topped with feathery straw bloom stalks in the summer. It can be used as an accent plant, in mass plantings, containers, and crevices. Bluenote grass is also very


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