Part Sun


A great long-lasting color plant, Crossandra can bloom almost nonstop all year long in the right conditions. In tropical climates, these heat- and humidity-loving plants put on quite the show with their spikes of bright orange, yellow, salmon, or pink blooms. They can also make wonderful houseplants with their glossy, deep green foliage that looks […]



Irises are low-maintenance and easy to grow. Their flowers come almost every color and bloom times vary depending on the species. Some irises bloom in spring or summer, while others bloom in spring and again in fall.

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Ivy geraniums are another popular variety of  geranium. These plants have more of a trailing habit with segmented leaves like ivy. Overall, blooms of the geranium ivy are very similar to the zonal geranium. They have smaller bloom clusters flowers and are perfect for hanging baskets.  



Angelonia is know as the summer snapdragon. It is a spectacular addition for continuous color in any garden. Angelonia stands up against summer’s heat and humidity. It is a hearty and colorful addition to any sunny spot.


Osteospermum 'African Daisy'

OSTEOSPERMUM ‘African Daisy’

Osteospermums, similar to snapdragons and pansies, are most often grown as cool-season annuals that pack a fragrant punch. Some varieties are hardy to Zones 10-11, but it’s best to grow them in mild climates. In many instances, the plants will take a break from blooming during the hot summer until cool nights resume in fall. Ideally,

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Veronica graces the garden with spires of flowers that bloom spring through fall.  Veronica  come in beautiful shades of blue, pink, purple, and white. Veronica is a flower that does great in full sun and is low maintenance. Plant this anywhere you need a bunch of showy blooms for the growing season. Depending on the

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Ajuga has a deep colored foliage that makes a beautiful groundcover. The foliage is generally crinkled and very glossy as well. However, if you think this is just a foliage plant, you would get quite the surprise as spring eases into summer. Then, ajuga is covered in little spikes of bright blue, purple, pink or

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ORIENTAL LILY ‘Asiatic Lily’

Oriental lilies are the classic “late bloomer.” These stunning flowering bulbs bloom after Asiatic lilies, continuing the lily parade in the landscape well into the season. Growing oriental lily plants is fairly easy provided you have a well prepared site for bulbs, plenty of sun and good drainage. Some of the most magnificent flowers in

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Digitalis plants are a classic of the cottage garden. Flowers range in colors from creamy yellow, pink, rose to maroon. The tall flower spikes with charming tubular flowers of Foxglove add both height and vertical accent to your garden without staking. Perennial Digitalis blooms attract hummingbirds and bees and an added bonus, the deer do


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